Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

The Application of Augmented Reality on Orienteering Tour Competition



Traditional orienteering tour competitions are fixed on the route and checkpoints of tourist attractions. Some competitors may attempt to cheat on the prizes by teamwork. For example, the competitor reaches the checkpoint first and knows the next checkpoint, then informs other cooperative competitors to go directly to the next checkpoint. This trick is unfair to other competitors. To resolve this problem of the unfairness, the study designs an mobile app of augmented reality (AR) based on marker-less image recognition technology. The competitors must log in to this app with their account and passwords before starting the competition. The app can augment physical real-world environments of the tourist attraction with the historical introduction and the website address of next tourist attraction selected by random on the screen of the smartphone. The competitors obtain above information only from the app before the specific checkpoint of tourist attraction. Otherwise, they need upload a selfie standing in front of the checkpoint. These two anti-fraud mechanisms and augmented reality technology can resolve the unfair problem of orienteering tour competition and combine the tourism marketing.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 59 - 61
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 8 : Issue 2
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