Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Integration in Information Systems Management



Information systems management is challenged to deliver robust and reliable solutions that make business activities possible on a daily basis. at the same time systems and infrastructures should support achieving strategic goals. Information technology is expected to be flexible even in turbulent environments, making it possible to rapidly create new business and take advantage of business opportunities in the best possible way. Clearly, this is a significant challenge for information systems management, and calls for understanding of business goals, strategies, and the capabilities that information systems potentially provide. Overall, information systems management is a challenge which is often connected to integration of business and technology in the organization. Business managers are seldom technology experts, and vice versa. Accordingly, there is a need for understanding what technology, infrastructure and information systems in the organization can do to support business goals. On the other hand, information technology experts should be better aware of operative and strategic business goals. In this article we study the management of information systems and technology. Here integration of operative and business activities with technology is needed. There are also other viewpoints to integration, it is about integrating heterogeneous technologies and systems together. Furthermore, different applications and systems are often provided by different organizations, which gives an additional perspective to management of information systems integration.

No fo Author(s) : 1
Page(s) : 6 - 10
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 7 : Issue 1
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