Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Engineering

The Green Embankment: Using Afforestation as an Instrument Against Coastal Disasters



In this article, the multifaceted linkages between environmental disasters, poverty and vulnerability is investigated through a case study carried out in one of the most remote areas of Bangladesh. Because of its geographical location, Bangladesh is dreadfully susceptible to disasters, such as cycles of flash floods, storm surges and cyclones. Afforestation is recommended as a means of embankment in the floodprone area. The authors therefore place conducted literature review on coastal afforestation as a sustainable option for protection against the natural hazards. Also, qualitative approaches, such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations were held for understanding people‟s responses to and the impact of a disaster in vulnerable sites. The field research compared a combination of participant observations and nonparticipant external interactions with coastal communities. The study shows afforestation as having great promise to not only be an effective method of protecting communities from major storm events, but also provide a steady flow of income to the struggling local economy. However, even though the system is relatively inexpensive, it is still a complicated system to run.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 166 - 169
Electronic ISSN : A-F
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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