Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Social Science and Human Behavior Study

Service Factors Influencing Decision Making Of Universal Service Obligation (Uso Net) A Case Study of Chonburi Province Thailand



The research aims to study factors influencing decision making of Universal Service Obligation (USO NET) in Chonburi province. A random sample of 400 was selected from a population of 400 people who live in Khna Pra Doo District,Klong Tum Roo, Mung Knong Preu Mueng District, Huay Yai,Bang Pra District. The results reveal that the sample was female counted as 57 percent, age 31-40 years counted as 27 percent,vocational school diploma counted as 28.75 percent, monthly income 10,001-20,000 baht counted as 51.0 percent, married counted as 49.25 percent, farmers counted as 22.25 percent, 2-4 family members counted as 55 percent, and distance from USO NET 501-900 meters counted as 27.5 percent. The respondents show most interests in the significance of USO NET in their family and community. The hypothesis results show that personal factors had an influence on decision making of USO NET in Chonburi province regarding different life styles and necessity in using the Internet.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 26 - 31
Electronic ISSN : 2374 - 1627
Volume 5 : Issue 2
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