Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering

Stability Analysis of variation Span and Turning Angle against Width in suspension bridge



One of the critical issues for a long suspension bridge is the vibration induced by wind. The excessive vibration on long suspension bridge owing to bridge flexibility may cause the bridge’s aerodynamic instability and vehicle accidents.Therefore, in the present study, the optimum ratio for the span and turning angle to bridge width was investigated. The analysis was carried out on bridge with total span of 470m, main span 270m and side span 100m, using variations of bridges width ranging from 9m to 22m. SAP2000 program was used to analyze the stability behavior of the suspension bridge under wind load at speed of 35m/s. The results of analysis shows that the optimum ratio of span to width bridge is 0.034L or L= 29.375b. When the turning angle was taken into consideration in the analysis, it will result in increasing the bridge’s stability, decreasing natural frequency of the structure and increasing stresses on the cables.Further, it was also found that the deflection and the internal forces on the girder meet the specified limits by AASHTO and AISC standard specification.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 352-356
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3971
Volume 5 : Issue 1
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