Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Methodology Formulation for Exact Location Tracking of Node Positions in Ubicomp MANETs Using NS2



The need for reliability in the field of ubicomp is well recognised [1] so as to make business and day-to-day running of ubicomp dependable. Along with ubicomp progresses, several reliability related questions will also crop up and quite some research has been based on empirical simulator based approaches to supply answers [14-65] and new metrics for ubicomp have been laid forward. What now must be put forward in research community is the methodology that was devised so that the previous work [14-65] could be carried out. The methodology itself has been novel and required designing and implementing components that were not previously developed nor was available off-the-shelf. The methodology is split into five steps

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 449-455
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 8 : Issue 1
Views : 239   |   Download(s) : 124