Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Extending Overall Node Battery Availability in Ubicomp with Location-Aware MANET Transmission



The field of location-tracking in mobile environments is subject to serious research endeavours [1-10]. Several development pieces are also being deployed and people have more expectations as concern new functionalities and applications on top of improving existing components for mobile and ubiquitous environments [2]. In such approach of evolution of ubicomp, several questions will crop up, as in advanced software engineering reliability concepts, whose answers depend on components not yet available in ubicomp. It is accepted in research community that ubicomp is still in its infancy stages [104]. Noteworthy answers to these upcoming questions will be developed as more sophisticated components are built. In MANETs, it is expected that all users in the topography be required to contribute for overall routing purposes. In such cases, no infrastructure support nodes will be available for routing. Consequently, in such circumstances, by applying cooperative communication packet delivery, energy is expected to be saved. This effect can be reinforced by applying location-aware transmission. A preceding study was conducted to study this effect

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 432-437
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 8 : Issue 1
Views : 287   |   Download(s) : 167