Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Using augmented reality technology improves critical thinking for low-achievement students An example of saponification reaction



or the past decade, only few studies have explored the augmented reality (AR) technology to engage with the innovative and critical thinking in the educational research area. It might be beneficial for low-achievement students to enhance their learning skills via combination of AR technology and experimental critical thinking. In this study we employ the saponification to show the benefits of the combination. During the saponification, some potential hazards and dangers exists in chemical reactions, especially for those low-achievement students. Thus, the use of developed augmented reality learning system – saponification experiment (ARLS-SE) was avoided these potential hazards and dangers. The Leap Motion tool was involved for hand interaction. The ARLS-SE system is based on five critical thinking skills; i.e. explanation, analysis, assessment, reasoning, and evaluation to train participants with critical thinking skills during the operation of the system. There are 45 participants (18-20 years old) from the first year in university to involve in the experiments. The experiments include pretest, intervention, and post-test, to explore the impact and learning performance by using the ARLS-SE with critical thinking for low-achievement students. The primary results show that the participants enjoyed the operation of ARLS-SE and performed great learning effects on saponification reaction, and significant progress on cultivation of critical thinking skills

No fo Author(s) : 4
Page(s) : 263-265
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 8 : Issue 1
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