Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Trend Analyses of Critical Values Obtained for Overall Node Energy Savings Achievable in Ubicomp MANETs Using Location-Aware Transmission



Two promising avenues in the field of ubicomp are MANET transmission strategies and location-aware transmission [1-46]. The merging of these two fields is bound to lead to betterment in ubicomp and justifies the amounts of research involved. One factor, over which success of these strategies depend, is correct protocols designs. Current research attempts are claimed to be unsuitable for “correct the first time implementations” [84] because present methods for protocol design are heuristic in nature. Middleware services and applications are also subject to optimisation methods [85]. Novel network architecture for ubicomp is also felt needed to suit QoS and adaptability to node densities [86]. A longer term objective in this direction is to achieve realism in design and evaluation of wireless routing protocols [87]. Such direction of research will also entail more precise features for predictability in ubicomp. Achieving realism is a tedious process since it involves realism in every aspect related to ubicomp. One such aspect was studied in a previous research [15] to assess the trend of energy savings achievable by overall nodes (OES) in locationaware MANET transmission, followed by the study of trends for each OES parameter of equations

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 194-202
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 8 : Issue 1
Views : 298   |   Download(s) : 155