Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

The Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Service Quality: The Moderating Effects of Aesthetic Labor and Aesthetic Value Combination of Supervisor-Subordinate



The success of industry depends on the service quality it provides for its customers. Studies show that employees‘ emotional labor is a crucial factor which influences service quality.However, past research on how the surface acting and deep acting of emotional labor impact staff‘s performance has demonstrated inconsistent results, which indicates a possible moderator variable, might exist. According to the social cognitive theory, the present study holds the view that personal behaviors can be influenced by both personal and environmental factors. Taking this notion into account, the current study is to investigate the moderating effect of aesthetic labor and aesthetic value combination of supervisor-subordinate. The findings of the current study suggest that in a high-level aesthetic labor context, staff that employ surface acting can enhance the positive impact on service quality. Those who employ deep acting in a high-level aesthetic labor context can also help enhance the positive impact on service quality. Furthermore, the high aesthetic labor and aesthetic value combination of supervisor-subordinate can increase the positive impact of surface acting on service quality. Likewise, the high aesthetic labor and aesthetic value combination of supervisor-subordinate can further improve the positive impact of surface acting on service quality.

No fo Author(s) : 5
Page(s) : 56 - 61
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 5 : Issue 1
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