Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Social Science and Human Behavior Study

The Process Of Foreign Drug Networks Using Thai Females As Drug Mules



While men have, for the most part, run drug trafficking organizations, women also have the leading roles as their male counterparts. Even in lesser roles, most women act as “drug mules” to ensure their financial gain. This qualitative study examines how Thai females were tricked into smuggling drugs for foreign drug dealers, as well as finding guidelines for preventive measures. The research deployed in-depth interview to extract data from a group of 8 women prisoners selected by Purposive Sampling, whether they had been tricked into acting as drugs mules and trafficking across international borders. Data was also collected from a group of 10 informants consisting of executives, field specialists, and scholars, and derived from studying documents and interview reports on Thai former female prisoners in foreign jails. The study recommends the preventive guidelines and solutions to problems, as well as seeking international collaboration to combat drugs trafficking and international preventive measures.

No fo Author(s) : 1
Page(s) : 13 - 40
Electronic ISSN : 2374 - 1627
Volume 4 : Issue 1
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