Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Model of Maximum CBR Distance Travelled by packets in MANETs using Location-Aware Transmission for Ubicomp.



MANET transmission strategies in MANET are considered good for energy containment and management for ubicomp [62]. Hence research in location-awareness and MANETs remain very significant. It is projected that further development will involve technologies like land-based GPS systems, improved location refresh rates and location accuracy, along with developments of better protocols optimised for transmission following distance criteria. To better tune transmission protocols and achieve optimal MANET performance, one desirable knowledge would be the trends of distance coverages by packets in a ubicomp for varying node densities. A previous study in this direction was made [26], whereby the metric PPD was devised. In this paper, another metric “Max_CBR_Dist”, derived from PPD is defined and its corresponding trends over varying node densities are presented. This paper adds a second component after the metric PPD [26] to the area of modelling for managing distance packets travel in ubicomp topography of varying node densities. Designers may use these results towards formulation of better transmission protocols for ubicomp. This research is a follow-up of previous work [1-26].

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 87 - 97
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 7 : Issue 1
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