Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

Motivational Factors for Entrepreneurship Development - A Gender Comparative Approach in Retail Sector



Entrepreneurship is becoming an emerging field now a days. Since entrepreneurship gives opportunities for both men and women researcher have focused on the factors motivating men and women separately. This research is also trying to find the difference in motivating men and women for entrepreneurship development. This study analyses the push and pull motivation among both gender. Hence, this study aims to contribute by applying the existing theory on push and pull motivation factors based on a gender comparative approach to idetify the nature of potential gender differences within entrepreneurial motivations. This study was descriptive using a semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with 106 retail entrepreneurs in which 66 men and 40 women. Findings suggest that both men and women are motivated by a combination of push and pull factors. However, there are gender differences in pull and push motivation for entrepreneurial development. Men were more influenced by pull motivation such as a desire for independence, need for achievement, personal development, get recognition rather than push factors where as women were more influenced by push factors for entrepreneurship activities such as Permanent inadequacy of the family income, sudden fall in family income, they have no other alternatives, job security, unemployment. In overall, men are more pulled to start entrepreneurial activities than women where as women are more pushed towards entrepreneurship than men. However men are also motivated by unemployment reason as a push factor. Hence, this research contributes to push-pull theory by offering a gender comparative approach to advanced theory in entrepreneurial motivation.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 50 - 53
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 4 : Issue 1
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