Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

Emissive sources agricultural: evolutionary trends in the Mediterranean basin. Impact sustainable development



Climate change is current topic of great interest on the social level and its impact on the agri-food, and on food security. The international debate on the topic is very bright for the repercussions on the future human survival on our planet because of the consequent gradual reduction of agricultural production and livestock breeding. The prevailing relative importance of environment polluting emissions is harged to the agri-food sector (25-30% of the total). What actually expresses an imperfection informative by separating agriculture from related activities industry and services, can emerge the accused sector of concrete threat climate risk. The breakdown by sector of economic activity appears important to address environmental risks with specific means by sector suitable for providing sustainable food systems. This paper aims to analyze a historical trend in the medium-term impact of agriculture on the global environment, for the main polluting types drawn from the international statistical source FAO. This study points to countries of the Mediterranean basin, here in fact one of the ecosystems most affected by of global warming. The importance of such events becomes even more significant taking into account the forecasts of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Chang (IPCC) regarding to the increase of population in the countries bordering the Mediterranean (525 million people in 2020).

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 1 - 4
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 4 : Issue 1
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