Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Model of Sender Node Extra Energy Savings Achievable in MANET against Direct Node-to-Node Transmission Using Location-Aware Transmission in Ubicomp.



Quite extensive research is ongoing concerning enhancement of location tracking in Mobile environment and significant development have been put forward [35- 50]. As and when new components for Mobile network are put forward, new functionalities will be devised or ways of doing existing activities will be improved. MAUC, however, still lacks the software engineering approaches into metrics and models development to sustain predictability and govern future investments of resources for development and further research [2]. One particular sub-area within the area of energy considerations in ubicomp is modelling of sender node energy savings using location-aware MANET transmission provided in another paper [14]. The next set of investigation involves quantifying and modelling the extra energy savings achievable against Direct Node-to-Node transmission, the pattern of trend for this extra savings under different sets of node densities and method of predicting the trend equations for use in predictive probability calculations. The area of modelling in ubicomp involves much work and this paper adds to this area and will be used by designers to formulate better ubicomp architectures and components. This paper is a follow-up of previous papers [1-15] with more emphasis from papers [2, 14].

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 72 - 81
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 6 : Issue 3
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