Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Environmental Engineering

Improved Cashew Planting Material Production in Benin, A Case Study of New Grafting Process



Cashew is an important cash crop in Benin. Currently the average production per hectare is 300- 500 kg i-e 3-5kg/tree, which is low compared to other countries like Tanzania with an average productivity of 15-20kg/tree. Low yield is mainly due to use of unimproved cashew planting materials. Benin government made efforts to ensure improved planting materials availability. However, improved cashew planting material production remains a big challenge because the use of seeds does not guarantee farmer getting true type cashew planting materials. Grafting technique has been adopted in cashew propagation but low success rates (50% - 70%) in grafting were a limiting factor. Softwood grafting technique has been developed and experimented for promoting cashew propagation materials. But due to low success rate obtained by grafters, many were forced to stop grafting. A new grafting process has been developed which enabled success rates to increase more than 51% (55.3% to 83.6%). This process includes effective and efficient nursery management mainly rootstocks growing, appropriate sunlight management, appropriate seedlings alignment and grafting process. This paper discuss this simple and low cost new grafting process which needs to be transferred to other grafting operators needing to raise up their success rate.

No fo Author(s) : 4
Page(s) : 11 - 15
Electronic ISSN : 2374 - 1724
Volume 3 : Issue 2
Views : 318   |   Download(s) : 202