Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Automation Mechatronics & Robotics

Vehicular Occupant Star Rating of Highway by iRAP Methodology



The ever increasing road accidents prompted for road safety assessment in order to assess the accident potential and suggest measures in order to diminish the accident potential. This paved the way for the foundation of Road Assessment Programmers (RAP) which performs systematic analysis of road segments to rectify the safety shortcomings and mitigate. This study uses the iRAP methodology for star rating and encompasses various road attributes (i.e. lane width, delineation, curvature, grade etc.) which act as an input to iRAP model for generating Star Rating Score (SRS). Star Rating is directly related to risk of accidents. Higher star rating for a road section reduces relative accident risk as compared to lower star rating roads. Also to enhance star rating countermeasures have suggested.Countermeasures which will enhance the deficient road safety aspects are basic requirements for safe road design (e.g. proper delineation, signage, good riding surface, proper design of intersections etc.). Subsequently, new SRS have been generated which were used for star rating of road section again. It’s evident that earlier 75% of road sections were in 1 or 2 star categories, but after post treatment only 33% are in 1 or 2 star categories. Hence from revised star rating, we have 67% of sections in 3 or more star rating which was just 25% beforehand.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 19 - 24
Electronic ISSN : 2374 - 1546
Volume 3 : Issue 1
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