Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Electronics Engineering

Programmable PLL Based Digital Frequency Synthesizer-A Prototype Experiment



Frequency synthesizers are extensively used in radio, television and other wireless communication systems, whose performance will directly affect the overall performance of the system, particularly on the quality of transceivers. Many communication devices have digital frequency synthesizers that will provide a means for selecting a particular frequency or sweep through a frequency range using computer control or pushing button. A PLL based digital frequency synthesizer and it’s operation is introduced in the paper firstly. Then introduced a CMOS PLL using MC145106 along with VCO 565 and a programmable divided by N-counter. Finally a prototype experiment is performed by designing sub circuits like loop filter, buffers and voltage shifters to improve the overall performance of the Frequency Synthesizer.

No fo Author(s) : 4
Page(s) : 282 - 284
Electronic ISSN : 2278 - 215x
Volume 2 : Issue 3
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