Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

Using Best Practices for greater Client Satisfaction in the Saudi Construction Industry



The Best Practices for Client Satisfaction in the Saudi Construction Industry are explored. Customer satisfaction is a function of the extent to which the product’s perceived quality is able or unable to meet the repurchase expectations. It is very essential for the companies to give serious consideration to customer satisfaction to strengthen the relationship with current and prospective clients. This factor of success acts as a bridge that leads to enhance collaboration, thereby, competitiveness and financial performance. Satisfaction indicates the degree to which the customers believe that an organisation has fulfilled their needs and requirements in the development of any product and service. The literature review has examined the secondary data and cases on major construction projects in Saudi Arabia. For such purpose, different types of secondary sources are used including academic textbooks, scholarly articles and report of the Saudi Arabian construction industry. For such purpose, around 31 secondary sources have been accessed. The reviews have been analysed with the interpretations of the facts and findings presented by the authors in particular sources. The findings revealed that project managers are the key to the success of construction projects in the country because they seek to complete the projects on time and within the estimated budget along with the effective management of operations, maintenance and life-cycle costs. In relation to client satisfaction, it has been found out that timely completion of the projects, quality based services and impressive designing are the key factors for client satisfaction in the construction industry. Finally, it has been concluded that the project managers are the key to the best practices required for client satisfaction in construction industry.

No fo Author(s) : 1
Page(s) : 254 - 260
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 3 : Issue 1
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