Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

Conceptualizing the application of Geographic information system in crime prevention through environmental design: CPTED+GIS



Geographic information system (GIS) has already found vast popularity as a powerful tool for analyzing crime. The crime maps produced in GIS are mostly analyzed using criminological theories. Moreover, crime analysis outputs are often integrated into law enforcement for policing. However, the application of GIS in crime place theories and practices such as crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) are rather rare. Simultaneously, CPTED needs a more robust tools to cope with its multivariate and intersecting measurement. Hence, the present study sought to conceptualize the method of implementation of GIS in CPTED in the context of university campuses. For this purpose, a thorough review of related literature was conducted. Conjointly, the possibilities of integrating both the systems were contemplated and analyzed. The result of this study showed that GIS is able to store and integrate the vast amount of physical and social data which is required for the comprehensive CPTED measurement. Moreover, the system is able to sort out where exactly the dimensions overlay, intersect, contrast or complement each other’s effects through layering and converging the attributes of CPTED. The spatiotemporal analysis of GIS can analyze the changes in the built environment over time and assist CPTED to adapt with behavioral and environmental changes. Therefore, this paper concluded that GIS has the capacity to facilitate a major portion of what is lacked in existing CPTED evaluation processes and analysis. Although the paper envisages GIS+CPTED as the future of crime analysis activities in the built environment yet this tool is an experimental idea and not a panacea. Further empirical examination and integration of what has offered in this paper with other criminological theories and methods could ascertain the practicality of this tools for future applications

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 15 - 21
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 3 : Issue 1
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