Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Extending Node Battery Availability in Ubicomp with Location-Aware Node-to-Node Transmission Using Location Refresh Intervals.



Location tracking remains of vital importance in mobile computing and explains the amount of research in this field [11-27]. The feature of location tracking is at the heart of several functionalities and applications and also of improving existing applications. Locationawareness depends on resource and support equipment availability. Present level of development applies tradeoffs between cost, bandwidth consumed, performance, span of smallest unit of location [3]. One overall effect remains that location information is gathered at varying refresh intervals. A question put forward is “By how much can nodes’ battery availability be extended in ubicomp with location-aware Node-to-Node transmission in ubicomp at different location refresh intervals?”. To answer this question, underlying information should be achievable as concerns energy considerations/savings achievable in such a ubicomp topography using location refresh intervals. Such a component is presented in a previous paper [3]. This paper is a follow-up of several previous papers [2,3,10] where a future work identified in paper [10] is being tackled with the method put forward in that same paper [10]. The objective of this paper is to present the MBAEF and max-BAEF of batteries for varying location refresh intervals. Min-BAEF will be 0. This information may serve towards better formulation of ubicomp architectures.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 26 - 29
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 5 : Issue 2
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