Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Secure PHP OpenSSL Crypto Online Tool



In this paper we studied the PHP’s cryptographic extension OpenSSL and we did an implementation as a web application (online tool with demo) where the user can experiment and test for free symmetric operations (encryption and decryption), hashing, asymmetric encryption (generate public and private keys, encrypt and decrypt) using the most popular ciphers, along with their options to choose from: cipher mode and key size. This tool is important because it differentiates from the current online tools: it shows that the AES cipher is correctly implemented by successfully passing several test vectors; it uses the OpenSSL library; it allows the user to choose the desired cipher, cipher mode, key, padding and initialization vector if appropriate/necessary; it has an updated documentation (demo, examples, tutorial) with full source code and has the advantages later described in this paper when compared to other similar free online tools.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 108 - 112
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 5 : Issue 2
Views : 369   |   Download(s) : 118