Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering

Landslide Hazard Zonation of Sunkoshi -2 High Dam Project area using Quantitative Methods in Geographical Information Science



Landslides are one of the critical geological processes, which causes not only enormous damage to civil engineering structures such as hydropower plant, road, bridges, dams and houses but also lead to loss of life. The construction of hydropower projects involve disturbance to the natural slop making them vulnerable to landslides. Therefore, there is a need for landslide hazard zonation so that hazardous area could be stabilized before it escalates major disaster. The present study attempts to develop a landslide model by using multi-criteria decision analysis using Geographical Information Science (GIS) and remote sensing techniques. The proposed Sunkoshi -2 High Dam Project area was selected for the model implementation. Digital topographical data, regional geological maps, remote sensing image and field data were used as inputs to the study. The data layers represent the elevation, drainage, soil type, geology (geological faults and existing landslide), slope, aspects and land use. A numerical rating scheme for the factors was developed for spatial data analysis in GIS. The resulting landslide hazard zonation map delineates the area into different zones of three relative classes: High, Medium and Low. The present study shows that the implementation of Sunkoshi – 2 High Dam Project would make the areas at the reservoir water level more vulnerable towards landside.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 423 - 427
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3971
Volume 2 : Issue 2
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