Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering

A model for the reuse of disused tanneries A case-study for the definition of the intervention criteria



The regeneration of abandoned buildings and industrial areas is extremely topical due to its significant effects on socio-economic issues, urban planning and environmental protection. This contribution presents a model for the reuse of abandoned tanneries. The model considers issues regarding the buildings and their urban environment based on an integrated multidisciplinary approach. In particular, the study is divided into the following phases: compatibility between the choices and urban policies; analysis of the potential conversion of the tannery; assessment of compliance with technical standards (structural safety, fire safety, elimination of architectural barriers, energy efficiency); definition of intervention criteria. The tannery district of the City of Solofra in the Campania region of Italy was chosen to calculate the parameters of the model.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 385 - 392
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3971
Volume 2 : Issue 2
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