Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering

Comparative assessment of impact toughness behavior of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete

Author(s) : J.VIKRAM , S.K.SEKAR


Many studies were made in the recent years related to analysis the toughness behavior of fibre reinforced concrete under impact loading condition. This study focus on the investigation of hybrid fibre reinforced concrete using polypropylene fibre and steel fibre unde impact loading. The concrete mixes were arrived based on the packing density of the aggregates. Three mixes were arrived having the combination of polypropylene fibre (PP) and steel fibre (SF) in varying proportions with different aspect ratio. The experimental set was made as per Indian Standards. The test results evidently shows the combination of 50% of 60mm steel fibres and 50% of 35mm steel fibres has recorded highest toughness value under impact. Correspondingly the other hybrid combination of polypropylene and steel fibres has also exhibited a higher value than the plain concrete. This study shows a comparative study on the behavior of hybrid fibre concrete to the plain concrete under impact loading condition.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 132 - 136
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3971
Volume 2 : Issue 2
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