Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advancements in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering

Demand Response for Smart Home: An Evaluation from an End-User’s Perspective Based on a High Resolution Power Demand Model



This study investigates customer response to demand response with direct load control at the smart home by implementing home energy management HEM algorithm. An economical evaluation is done to estimated the benefices from the user’s perspective. Initially, this study outlines the development of a high-resolution smart home power demand model with the trends in photovoltaic PV, home automation systems, efficient appliances and battery support, to estimate the potential impacts of demand response programs on the residential load profiles. Finally, the results show highly annual and daily variations on the demand load profile for fixed tariff scenarios up 44% with respect to the current demand profile. Consequently, in the case of TOU rate tariff scenarios, a critical variation for the peak and off-peak transition period was found. This variation goes up 64% with respect to the current demand profile pattern and 80% with respect to the smart home demand profile pattern. Additionally in case of TOU tariff, the end-users income is much higher than that of fixed tariff. For small household only using solar panel with home automation system the net cumulative income surpluses, but using battery doesn’t reflect economically favorable conditions. In 4 or more person household, using 2kWh battery with automations, the net income is 41% higher than using only PV. Furthermore, comparing it with PV and automations of 100%, the net income increases other 15%.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 251 - 256
Electronic ISSN : 2372-4153
Volume 2 : Issue 2
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