Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

To Rethink the Preparation of the Expatriates



Not every expatriation results in success. Some expatriates come back to their home country earlier than expected or do not achieve the targeted objectives. We here aim at highlighting different types of difficulties but also at identifying factors that may reduce the latter. This study, realized in 2011, is the result of an exploratory research based among 45 Belgian and French expatriates on mission in India, China and Europe. We will underline the necessity for a contingent approach of the preparation. The preparation differs from one expatriation to one other and the role of the Human Resource in the host Countries is as important as the role of the Human Resource in the Head Quarter. The preparation differs from one expatriation to one other. We purpose also to define a first expatriation as a training time for the following expatriations, especially if the following expatriation is in a context culturally different or if work conditions are different of these from the home countries. This first expatriation will have to be longer to impact the next expatriation and to enable the expatriate to prepare for cultural differences, acculturation and change in different context. After, the beginning of each expatriation will be training at the particular condition of expatriation but will be more eased and accelerated, as the expatriate already is trained in adapting and cultural differences but as to learn about the particularities of this expatriation.

No fo Author(s) : 4
Page(s) : 131 - 139
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 2 : Issue 2
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