Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

Structural changes, gender and research and innovation potential Case study in the ICT domain



This research paper aims at presenting the preliminary results of two EU funded projects related to the structural changes in R&D organizations and their impact to performance. Although at first sight, the projects are quite complementary (the GenderTime project analyses gender aspects and monitors implementation of the gender-related actions; the PACINNO project analyses innovation potential at the local level and facilitates transfer of innovations to industry), herein we shall explain the interrelation and how the PUPIN Institute (as a case study organization) can benefit from the results of both projects. The GenderTime and PACINNO activities extend the standard practice and existing monitoring approaches in the PUPIN Human Resources Department. First preliminary analysis, perceptions and conclusions are also reported.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 103- 107
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 2 : Issue 2
Views : 369   |   Download(s) : 196