Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Structural Analysis & Design

Estimated Adhesiveness of Asphaltic Bitumen to Natural Aggregtes Using Statistical Regression



Usually the adhesiveness is defined as the capacity of a binder to cover an aggregate without dispersing itself when touching the water or the traffic aggressions. Therefore, the adhesiveness additives are products that improve the adhesiveness of the bitumen to a certain aggregate. The improvement of causeway’s bitumen adhesiveness is becoming a current practice in our country, especially when is used acid (siliceous) aggregate. The used additives – amino derivatives - have a high stocking stability, a low toxicity degree toward the amine, diamine, polyamine-based additives and are liquid products perfectly compatible with all bitumens and easy to use, in comparison to the paste or solid additives, which must be made liquid to be used. The mineralogyc nature of aggregate is, also, very important because the bitumen „prefers” basic aggregates. However, in practice, the most used aggregates for hot (or cold) coating are acid. There is a continuous problem for specialists to find the optimal methods in increasing the percentage of bitumen capacity of coverage. So, because it is necessary to ensure a connection between the aggregate and asphalt; hence, we use more and more often the process of adding additives to asphalt (doping), namely a small amount of additive (0,1-0,5%). Although the percent of additive is small, the laboratory tests show that adhesiveness increases substantially after they were added. Mathematical regression analysis is using the least squares method to adjust a curve to a set of results. With it can be analyzed how a dependent variable (output) is influenced by the values of one or more independent variables (inputs). In this paper it is used mathematical regression method which defined a polynomial function that has to predict the amount of adhesive intervals where experiments aren`t able to performed. We were able to estimate the optimal values of the amount of adhesive that keeps adhesion greater than 80%.

No fo Author(s) : 4
Page(s) : 136 - 140
Electronic ISSN : 2372-4102
Volume 2 : Issue 1
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