Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Environmental Engineering

Approximation of Microarray Gene Expression Profiles by the Stable Laws



At the present time reliably established that probability density functions of gene expression of microarray experiments possess a number of universal properties. First of all these distributions have power asymptotic and secondly the shape of these distributions are inherent for all organisms and tissues. This fact led to appearance of a number works where authors are investigating various probability distributions for approximation of empirical distributions of gene expression. In the work the gene expression of various organisms are investigated which were obtained from microarrays of various manufactures. The probability density functions of the gene expression levels are approximated by the fractional stable distribution. The parameters of the fractional stable distributions were statistically estimated according experimental data. It is shown that for all investigated samples the experimental distributions have the power-law asymptotic. At the same time the fractional stable distribution is a good approximation for the microarray gene expression manufactured by Affymetrix and Illumina Corporation.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 98 - 102
Electronic ISSN : 2374 - 1724
Volume 2 : Issue 1
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