Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research

Factors Educators Should Consider When Integrating Facebook in Education



With Facebook having over 1.31 billion active users worldwide, it is only logical that educators would consider integrating Facebook into education. This review article evaluates the factors educators should consider when planning to integrate Facebook in education. The factors evaluated in this article include the benefits and risks of using Facebook; the perception of teachers and students using Facebook as well as the psychological and social implications of Facebook on student engagement in learning. In all the research studies reviewed, results show that Facebook use in education was well received by students who were willing participants and that Facebook had enhanced their interest, motivation, learning attitude and engagement in learning. Facebook also has potential as a learning management system (LMS) as it has the required pedagogical, social and technological affordances for learning management. Even though the response toward using Facebook is positive in all the studies conducted, the instructor’s role to coordinate, facilitate and intervene in Facebook usage is crucial. In essence, educators must weigh the benefits and risks before integrating Facebook into their teaching and learning.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 32 - 37
Electronic ISSN : 2475-2649
Volume 2 : Issue 1
Views : 408   |   Download(s) : 203