Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Mathematical Modelling of Need of Exact Number of Relays to Ensure Seamless Mobility in UbiComp.



One of the requirements of MAUC has been to ensure smooth transition from one relay to another during mobility of a node. This “smoothness” must be unnoticed by a user and hence the term “seamless mobility”. Lots of research and development are being carried out to achieve this concept [5-17]. To achieve seamless mobility, neighbouring relays to the closest relay that a node is connected to, must be notified proactively and minimal amount of resources be reserved to initiate communication through it as and when a node comes close to it. Reserving maximum resources at each neighbouring relay can be considerably costly. It is hence desirable to have a probabilistic approach for knowing which relays (usually least number) need to be proactively enabled, the need for activating neighbouring relay, the need by a CBR for 1 relay, 2 relays, 3 relays, etc.., the minimum and maximum relays used in particular relay densities and their probability of occurrences. This paper is a follow-up of 4 previous papers [1-4] mainly aimed at modelling of energy savings achievable. The objective of this paper is to present the results of combined data from 17 different sets of experiments carried out in [2-4] for need of exact number of relays, in form of graphs and mathematical conclusions derived.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 88 - 96
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 5 : Issue 1
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