Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Optimisation and Design Analysis of Yagi Antennas for Digital Television Broadcasting Services



In this paper, an in-depth investigation on Yagi antennas are conducted. The antenna design is based on two distinct approaches: firstly, using the addition of further parasitic elements in the model and secondly, using different types of materials – Copper, Aluminum and Stainless steel. The Yagi models are simulated at frequencies near the 530 MHz. Six antennas are then fabricated based on the positive simulated results. The Yagi Antennas are physically tested on a DVB-T decoder at various locations using a Field Strength Meter. The maximum gain achievable is around 12.62 dBi with a MER value of around 25.0 dBi. Comparative analysis with existing antenna structures are made. A better performance of 3.72 dBi for noncommercialised antennas and of 1.12 dBi for comercialised antennas is obtained.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 34 - 37
Electronic ISSN : 2319 - 7498
Volume 4 : Issue 1
Views : 453   |   Download(s) : 199