Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

An Automatic Scheduling of Academic Time Table by using Genetic Algorithms



Time Table Scheduling is one of optimization problems. It use a skillful human and take a long time for each constraint. Many of researchers try to use computers to manage them automatically. There are two main goals in this research: to schedule the academic time-table of Surin Poly-technical College automatically by using Genetic Algorithms and to find the best condition of Genetic operators for solving the scheduling problem. The best condition was found from 24 experiments; two point crossover followed by position base mutation is the best condition sequence. Having got the sequence, a computer program was implemented by using that condition. The application was useful after testing with the constraints of Surin Poly-technical College

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 13 - 16
Electronic ISSN : 2250-3749
Volume 4 : Issue 4
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