Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

Design of Partially Replicated Distributed Database Systems with Combination of Total Cost and Workload Balancing

Author(s) : SUKKYU SONG


In partially replicated distributed database systems, the minimization of total time usually attempts to minimize resource consumption and therefore to maximize the system throughput. On the other hand, the minimization of response time may be obtained by having a large number of parallel executions to different sites, requiring a higher resource consumption, which means that the system throughput is reduced. Workload balancing implies the reduction of the average time that queries spend waiting for CPU and I/O service at a network site, but its effect on the performance of partially replicated distributed database systems cannot be isolated from other distributed database design factors. In this research, the total cost refers to the combination of total time and response time. This paper presents a framework for total cost minimization and workload balancing for partially replicated distributed database systems considering important design factors together. The framework incorporates both local processing, including CPU and I/O, and communication costs. To illustrate its suitability, experiments are conducted, and results demonstrate that the proposed framework provides effective partially replicated distributed database design.

No fo Author(s) : 1
Page(s) : 128 - 139
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 4 : Issue 3
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