Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Sustainable Materials, Processes & Eco-Efficient

Policies to Encourage Solar Energy Usage



The economic reality of fossil fuels is that these resources are found in a limited number of locations around the world, yet are consumed everywhere. Conversely, solar energy is available almost everywhere in world and is not being fully used. Fossil fuels and solar energy are complete opposites in not only their environmental effects, but also their economic effect. This study investigates global policies that encourage the development and deployment of solar energy. Solar energy is green, non-polluting, everlasting, and free of charge depending on how you look at it. Countries around the world have taken action and implemented solar energy with both progressive policies and incentives for those who use renewable energy. Governmental agencies and their affiliates have responded to this environmental movement and have spent a lot of time and money researching alternate energy sources, including solar energy. There are many different types of renewable energy, but the focus of this research will be solar energy.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 18 - 26
Electronic ISSN : 2374 - 1651
Volume 1 : Issue 3
Views : 495   |   Download(s) : 167