Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Image Processing Techniques

3D reconstruction of face: a comparison of Marching cube and improved marching cube Algorithm



3D reconstruction of face is one of the advancements in physical modeling techniques which uses engineering methods in the field of medicine.The systems in development propose a software tool that will help in craniofacial surgery. The existing approaches for 3D reconstruction has different applications from real scenary to human parts of body. The analysis of the different algorithms allow developers to make vital decisions in understanding the modelling of the face. The human face has different regions including the tissue and hard bones. The paper presents a comparison of two surface rendering techniques, Marching Cube(MC) and Improved Marching Cube(IMC) algorithms, and draws conclusions for analysing the suitable approach for a specific range of application

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 6 - 9
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3998
Volume 1 : Issue 3
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