Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Business and Management Study

Analysis Of Method Aimed At Tracking Of Environmental Costs In Connection With Company Financial Performance



The submitted paper is focused on the analysis of method aimed at tracking of environment costs in connection with financial company operating in the Czech Republic. Under current condition the vast majority of manufacturing companies are situated in town or industrial zone directly connected to infrastructure of a nearby town. This means a lot if advantages but on the other hand it brings many negative impacts on the environment and town life. We may say that in the Czech Republic some significant change happened improving the relation and approach of companies towards the environment. This situation is obvious in multiple locations. However there are still some area where environment issued are not considered seriously and the poor environment conditions significant affect live and health of people. The increasing meaning of environment protection has a strong impact on company activities. Companies are adapting themselves according to the trend either voluntarily or because of the relevant legislation The aim of the paper is to describe the issues associated with environment costs tracking in companies and their impact On economic performance. The second part of the paper deals with the analysis of the questioner survey realized with companies situated in a town agglomeration or a close neighborhood. The goal of the questionnaires track their costs for reduction of negative impacts of their industrial activities on the environment, whether they invest into green technologies, how they track/ manage storing of hazardous inventories that may put their close surroundings into jeopardy and negatively affect the town life. We may conclude that the analysis of all environmental costs associated with environments of their management. In future this may result in the overall reduction of such costs. Environment costs may be reduced based on managerial decision. This especially applies to investment and operation costs.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 88 - 92
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3955
Volume 1 : Issue 3
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