Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Bio-Informatics and Bio-Technology

Corals transplantation using rack and Substrate method at badul island Ujung kulon, indonesia



Coral transplantation had been conducted to soft coral Sarcophyton sp. dan Nephthea sp. using rack and substrate method at Badul Island, Ujung Kulon, Indonesia. The research aimed at comparing survival rate and growth rate by both transplanted soft corals. It was found that both soft coral had 100% survival rate, but Nephthea transplants grew faster than Sarcophyton transplants. Nephthea transplants had 11,33 mm of width growth and 15,16 mm of length growth. Sarcophyton transplants showed less width and length growth, that was 9,76 mm and 7,37 mm. Overall, the transplants could grow on rack and concrete substrate and reached 100.81 mm (Nepthea) and 54.41 mm (Sarcophyton) in length. Nephtea transplants grew on vertical pattern while Sarcophyton sp grew horizontally. Therefore it can be concluded that rack and concrete substrate can be used as alternative media for soft coral transplantation.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 46 - 49
Electronic ISSN : A-F
Volume 1 : Issue 2
Views : 523   |   Download(s) : 174