Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Cloud Computing Security Issues and Measures



Cloud computing is advanced distributed and parallel processing, involving Grids, clusters, virtualization of resources, networking, client-server mechanism etc… Without proper security such an integrated complex system won’t last for long. This paper briefs out types of security issues that a cloud must consider before and after its implementation. Service Level Agreements (SLA) plays an important role in cloud operation and implementation, as it covers almost every aspect of cloud. Paper discusses on what a clouds SLA must contain, and why SLA can’t be implemented from users’ point of view. Paper discusses in brief the security in/for/by cloud scenario of cloud computing. Paper discusses existing methods/measures for security and can be seen as a brief on cloud computing security issues and measures. This paper can act as a theoretical base or directives while designing and implementing the cloud as it briefs out information on cloud security.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 45 - 50
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 4 : Issue 2
Views : 442   |   Download(s) : 154