Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Structural Analysis & Design

Seismic Response Evaluation of Structures subjected to Multi-Support Excitation using Ritz vectors



The response of a multi supported structure subjected to spatially varying ground motion at its different supports is of great importance for structures like bridges, pipe lines, viaducts, tunnels etc,. Various reasons like local site conditions, wave passage effect, incoherence effect and attenuation effect tend to induce a phase difference and time lag in the ground motion which results in differential ground motions at each supports. Assuming that the differential input is available at the various supports the response of the structure can be obtained by the Pseudo-static methods. In these methods the static component of the response is expressed as a function of influence matrix and the input motion which remains independent of the dynamic response. The dynamic component is then computed by using various methods which are then combined with the static components to get the total response. In literature many authors have tried using the modal superposition method for finding the dynamic response of the structure. In this paper the seismic response of the structure is evaluated by using Ritz modes which was then compared with the modal superposition method. The methods were explained by using an example of a bridge model.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 54 - 58
Electronic ISSN : 2372-4102
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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