Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

Traffic Monitoring and Signal Management System on Highways



In this work, an intelligent system for tracking various moving objects in the available traffic visuals of highways and provide dynamic traffic signal modification at the road junction has been designed and implemented. This system provides features for traffic monitoring based on a network of vehicle tracking units installed with cctv cameras for each road joining a junction. These units capture the images of movable objects in the highways, process the images and provide information of each of the moving objects in the scene. This includes position of the object, target id, velocity and its classification (car, bike e.t.c.). A traffic signal processing unit which receives the information provided by the vehicle tracking unit, merges the information received and prepare a synchronized real-time statistical output (alerts, accidents, road signs, lane changes etc). Since this system is flexible, it can be dynamically applied to broad fields of application.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 99 - 102
Electronic ISSN : 2250-3749
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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