Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Application of LZW Technique for ECG Data Compression



The ECG is an electronic method of recording the heart beat of the patient. The characteristic of heart beat is determined by PQRST curve. By attaching additional leads while recording ECG signals they require higher sampling rates and finer amplitude resolution, for noncardiac signals such as blood pressure and respiration it requires huge amount of storage space. For the fast transmission of ECG signals across wireless network, from ambulance to hospital, telephone networks, hospital networks is not possible without compressing them. The sampling rate of collecting ECG data is at 130 Hz. The heart beat for the sample is determined by the time intervals b/w two RR. RR interval is the time measured between two successive R peaks. The occurrence of number of intervals in a minute determines the heart rate (e.g. beats/min.) In this paper, we have applied Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) method of ompression over the ECG data. To carry out the compression of ECG data we have used MIT BIH patient record number 101, 107, 112 and 117. The compression is applied over ECG data converted to binary normalized form, such that the data values after normalization ranges in ASCII set. The ratio of compression obtained for the given samples ranges from 74% to 87%. Again, it has been observed that, the reconstructed signal after decompression is similar to the original normalized signal (Lossless compression).

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 374 - 377
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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