Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security

Reducing Message Overhead in On-Demand Mesh based Multicast Routing Protocols



In wireless networks, due to limited battery power, it is crucial to reduce the transmission overhead and power consumption. In this paper we discuss how to achieve low transmission overhead and reduced power consumption by minimizing the transmission of redundant control messages. The popular on-demand multi cast routing protocols like AODV and ODMRP has drawbacks due to transmission overhead. As the mobility of communicating nodes increases the transmission overhead also increases as the number of specific control messages used for the protocol functioning are high in number. In a communication network where the high mobility is not demanding, ODMRP generates transmission overhead and thereby power loss due to unnecessary retransmission. In this paper we are discussing a method where the control messages used is considerably reduced. The broadcast of control messages for route establishment as well as route maintenance is done when the existing reliable path becomes invalid or unreachable. This method can be considered as an efficient protocol for ondemand ad hoc multicast routing protocols. This technique helps to achieve high packet delivery ratio but low delay, congestion and there by low power consumption.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 51 - 56
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3757
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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