Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advancements in Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Comparative study for strengthening of Existing flexible pavement using Falling weight deflectometer and Benkelman beam deflection techniques



The failures of different categories of roads are predominant in huge developing countries like India. As a result of improved connectivity the traffic is increasing on existing roads, so need of evaluation arises to provide a safe and smooth riding. Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and Benkelman beam deflection (BBD) are prominent techniques in India for strengthening and evaluation of existing pavement. FWD is non-destructive testing for evaluation using Dynamic Loading seems more accurate than BBD method which have static loading pattern. But in India later one is used quite dominantly than first one. So this paper deals with difference in overlay thickness required for strengthening by these two techniques, cost reduction by Providing Optimized overlay thickness. For this study 3 homogeneous sections on Existing Bituminous Stretch of NH-102 in state of Bihar were selected .Traffic survey, Evaluation of existing subgrade, Pavement Condition Survey ,Different laboratory tests needed were performed. Deflections by FWD with guidelines of IRC-115 and By Benkelman beam with guidelines of IRC-81 were measured on selected sections. Remaining fatigue and rutting life after and before overlay were also checked By IIT-PAVE Software. There was a significant difference in Overlay Thickness required for both the methods. FWD technique is more closer to optimized overlay thickness than BBD.

No fo Author(s) : 3
Page(s) : 52-56
Electronic ISSN : 2319 - 7498
Volume 8 : Issue 1
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