Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications

A Review of Automated Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Digital Fundus Images



Glaucoma is a typical reason for irreversible blindness in worldwide and also Glaucoma is the disease where the pressure of eye ends up with the nerve fiber damages in optic nerve. In some patients optic nerves can damage even in regular or low eye pressure due to other weaknesses. But, that kind of situations are rare. In other world, optic nerve damage depends on the capability of handling pressure by the fundus area. If fundus with optic nerve is too weak, even low-pressure situations also can cause the damages to optic nerve and cause blindness. Glaucoma is classified as a silent disease which does not have signs until it causes blindness. This paper explores and presents a review on Automated Diagnosis of Glaucoma Using Digital Fundus Images. Such, Fundus Images have identical glaucomatous features. Detection of those features help to diagnose Glaucoma and control the blindness.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 76-80
Electronic ISSN : 2250 - 3765
Volume 9 : Issue 2
Views : 201   |   Download(s) : 177