Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering

2D Numerical Analysis of Deformations in diaphragm wall supported by horizontal struts



Deep excavations are becoming quite common in urban areas due to limited spaces and construction of multi-story buildings, burrows and underground storage spaces. Such excavations require special consideration due to the nearby constructions and structures. Construction work requires ground excavation with vertical cuts. The faces of the cuts need to be protected by short-term bracing mechanism to lessen the excavation area, maintain excavation stability, and to certify that movements will not cause damage to neighboring structures or to utilities in the surrounding ground. Besides, excavation support is an issue of extraordinary significance to construction safety due to the threats to life posed by earth collapse, in addition to their major influence on profitability, speed, and quality of construction projects. Due to the excavation, lateral movement of soil will occur which results in failure of neighboring structures. This paper specifically focusses on the application of struts as a support system for the deep excavations. Finite element modelling was performed using PLAXIS 2D to determine the stresses and displacements caused during excavations. Elasto-plastic beam element was used to perform the finite element analysis.

No fo Author(s) : 4
Page(s) : 97-102
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3971
Volume 6 : Issue 2
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