Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering

The Indicators Determination Of Contractors In The Procuremnet Process Of Road And Bridge Construction Projects



Procurement of goods and services aims, among others, to produce goods and services that are appropriate for every money spent, measured in terms of quality, quantity, time, cost, location and provision. The success of the procurement of goods and services in the supply chain vertical structure will have an impact on the procurement of services in a horizontal structure, namely the determination of service providers or contractors. Based on this, a study was carried out aimed at analyzing the Indicators of Determination of Contractors in the Procurement Process of Road and Bridge Construction Projects. Determination of the contractor as the winner of the tender was carried out by the organization of the vertical supply chain pattern procurement of road and bridge construction projects. Data collection was conducted in three provinces in the eastern part of Indonesia in the form of primary data, namely direct observation and filling in questionnaires and interviews with 30 respondents. Test the hypothesis about the proportion of the population compared to the t distribution . where the result is the probability t count is smaller than the probability t distribution ((t ≤ t 1-  ) which means that all respondents' answers are accepted. This states that the contractor must meet the indicators set by the government if wish to succeed in the process of procuring road and bridge construction projects.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 68-72
Electronic ISSN : 2372-3971
Volume 6 : Issue 2
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