Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Advances in Electronics Engineering

Comparison of K-means and Adaptive K-means using MATLAB Simulation



Image Segmentation based on K-means algorithm is presented in GUI (Graphical User Interface). The K-means algorithm and adaptive k-means clustering is used to obtain high performance and efficiency in image segmentation. In addition, it has a resolving capability of one image into different planes by selecting the number of clusters using datasets of image. And also the advance of K-means is adaptive K-means which will give the frame size and the absolute value between the means of an image. The iteration time on image segmentation is determined by using Adaptive k-means clustering. Adaptive k-means is used for better image segmentation that has been shown in MATLAB Simulation.

No fo Author(s) : 2
Page(s) : 185 - 189
Electronic ISSN : 2278 - 215x
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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