Journals Proceedings

International Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Engineering

Number and Size Optimizations of Wells Turbine Blades via FEM



Wells turbine can be described with the continuous movement of the turbine blades for a mandatory one direction by bidirectional air flow to supply a nonstop electric power. For the present study, finite element simulations were performed after the pilot experimental studies, to optimize the number and size of the blades to evolve the efficiency. Two dissimilar wells blade system was preferred out of three, while different combinations are considered during the numerical approximation. For the diverse air velocities, tangential force and pressure characteristics were evaluated using the numerical fluid dynamics approximation. Eventually, the simulation results were compared with the pilot experiments and concluded with an eligible overlap via satisfactory convergence of the FEM code.

No fo Author(s) : 1
Page(s) : 331 - 334
Electronic ISSN : A-F
Volume 1 : Issue 1
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